Friday, March 16, 2012


I finally received the botox injections today that I have been waiting on for over a month now. As most of my blogger friends know, I stay in chronic pain. I started seeing a new neurologist, Dr. Marden, over a month ago. She wanted to start botox injections on me to try and help me with my cervical dystonia (constant muscle spasms and tightness). I have been waiting a long time to get back in for my next appointment and get started because the doctor's office was trying to get my insurance straightened out as to what they would or wouldn't cover. I don't even know how many injections she gave me, but I know it was a lot! She injected the back of my neck, and put several in the right side of my head because the pain travels into my temple and behind my eye, and a few other areas in my shoulders. It will take a few days before I'll be able to start feeling the effect and know if it's going to help, and two weeks before I get the full effect. In the meantime I'll be praying for a miracle!

1 comment:

  1. Botox always proved to be effective even if the treatment was for wrinkles, excessive sweating or I'm sure it will work great for you too.
    If a doctor considered this is the solution for your problem I'm sure botox will do its magic once again.
    When I first got in contact with my botox Toronto specialist I had no idea how useful botox can be and not just to look younger.
    Never lose your faith because this is a miraculous treatment.
